Sunday, February 9, 2014


Breathe… Click.
Do you know who I am? You thought you did. But you’ve never had any clue. You never cared enough to know me, never wanted enough to try. Satisfied with that ghost of an image you constructed in your head. That ashen idol living in your mind. I’ve been a shadow. A monster. You said it yourself. You made me believe it.

Deep breath… Click.
Do you know what I’ve done? Of course you do. All the things you blame me for. All the things you hate me for. Everything you’ve ever told me I did wrong. The opportunities I’ve wasted, the situations I’ve ruined, everyone I’ve hurt and abandoned. But I was only doing what you taught me. I was only following you.

Close your eyes… Click.
Do you know how I feel? Ha. You pretend to. Just like you pretend to care. Just like you pretend, like we all pretend, that everything’s okay. Nothing is okay. You haven’t hurt like I have, you don’t know the darkness marred by crimson lines. The shadows. The demons. The pain. All I ever wanted was for you to love me. All you ever wanted was for me to die. Well don’t worry.

Brace yourself… Click.
Do you know why I’m here? You've always said it’s for nothing. Worthless. Useless. Better off dead. All in good time. You made me believe I had no purpose. But my purpose is to kill, to hurt, to slaughter the innocent, shatter emotions, and break people down. For that, I commend you. You trained me well. So congratulations. Enjoy what I've become.

Calmly, slowly… Click.
Do you know what I’m thinking? I’m thinking about you. Your face when you find this. Find me. Horror? Shock? A smile? I wish I could see it, but you can’t see anyone from Hell. I’ll tell you what I’m doing. Hint: the tearstains on this page are already dry. Hint: it’s been a long time coming. Hint: you’ll be the happiest person in the world.

Six chances.
One bullet.
A one-player game of Russian roulette.
One life at stake.
One cylinder left.
I hate you.
